Winter Programs & Camps
Winter 24/25 Line Up
*All programs are held at Robert E. Miller - North Center at the Champlain Valley Exposition in Essex Junction.
*Far Post offers a number of different programs over the winter months for players aged 4-15 regardless of which club you play for. You will find a breakdown of the different offerings by age below.
Click on the + signs below to see details.
FPSC offers a 10% discount on each program if a players registers for ALL 3 sessions BEFORE the start of the indoor season.
Note: Program Fees are refundable with a $25 cancellation fee.
Juniors Program
Open to All Players | For Ages 4-6 | Held on Wednesdays or Thursdays
The goal of the Far Post Juniors program is for the children to enjoy playing soccer! Our staff has developed a series of thematic games desgined to teach the children all of the basics. Time is used to teach the children soccer in a fun-filled, safe, and constructive environment.
For our youngest players, this program has an emphasis on building skills and a love for the game through fun games. Led by Club Director Todd Kingsbury, the Juniors meet once a week.
For Boys and Girls born in years 2019, 2020 and some 2021 (if they are able to listen and be independent from parents). We also take players born in 2018 who are not quite ready for the U8 program.
Price for sessions 1 and 2: $115
Price for session 3: $100
10% discount for signing up for all 3 sessions BEFORE the start of the indoor season.
Wednesdays: 4:00-5:00PM
Thursdays: 4:00-5:00PM
Wednesdays: 4:00-5:00PM
November 13, 20, 27 December 4, 11, 18
Thursdays: 4:00-5:00PM
November 7, 14, 21, December 5, 12, 19
Wednesdays: January 8, 22, 29 February 5, 12, 19
Thursdays: January 2, 9, 23, 30 February 6, 13
Wednesdays: March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 (5 classes) Price for this session: $100
Thursdays: March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10 (5 classes) Price for this session: $100
U8 Program
Open to All Players | For Ages 7-8 and some 6 year olds | Held on Tuesdays AND Thursdays
This is a training and playing program that runs throughout the winter and into the springtime for all kids interested in improving their skills as a player. Our goal is to provide technical/skill-building training for young players in a fun and dynamic environment.
Our U8 Program continues to focus on building technical skills while introducing larger soccer concepts in small-sided game settings.
For boys and girls from birth year 2017, 2018 and some 2019s who are ready for more structure and time with a soccer ball.
See Spring Programs to Participate in the outdoor program which happens in May/June.
Tuesdays 4:00-5:30PM
Thursdays: 4:00-5:00PM
Price: $195 per session
10% discount for signing up for all 3 sessions at the start of the year, BEFORE the indoor season begins.
-Tuesdays from 4:00-5:30PM
-Thursdays from 4:00-5:00PM
November 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, December 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19
-Tuesdays from 4:00-5:30PM
-Thursdays from 4:00-5:00PM
January 2, 7, 9, 21, 23, 28, 30 February 4, 6, 11, 13, 17
Session 3 happens in March and April.
-Tuesdays from 4:00-5:30PM
-Thursdays from 4:00-5:00PM
March 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27, April 1, 3, 8, 10, 15 (11 Classes, Price $180)
U10 Excellence
Open to All Players | For Ages 9-10 and some 8 year olds | Held on Mondays
This program is designed for young players who want to spend more time working on fundamentals of ball control, dribbling, passing and shooting. All skills required to be excellent at soccer!
U10 Excellence is for Far Post Players who want MORE time or outside players who want to experience the Far Post Way. Training will be fun and challenging with each session focusing on different areas of the game.The program is Co-Ed and is for players born in 2014, 2015, 2016 and potentially some 2017s who are ready for the next step.
*Players born in 2017 must have permission before registering.
Mondays: 4:00-5:30PM
Price $140 per session
10% discount for signing up for all 3 sessions at the start of the year, BEFORE the beginning of the indoor season.
November 11, 18, 25, December 2, 9, 16
January 6, 13, 27, February 3, 10, 17
March 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14 (5 classes)
Price: $120
Girls Jr. Academy
Open To All Players | Held On Mondays
For Players Born in 2011-2014
The Girls Jr. Academy is the perfect opportunity to fine-tune your skills in a supportive yet demanding environment. These sessions are for girls ONLY. Each of our 3 winter sessions focuses on a different topic, from passing/receiving to small-group attacking to finishing.
For Players Born in 2011-2014
Mondays, 5:30-7:00 PM
$115 for Far Post Players
$140 for Players NOT on a Far Post Travel Team
10% Discount for signing up for all 3 sessions at once, BEFORE the start of the year.
November 11, 18, 25, December 2, 9, 16
January 6, 13, 27, February 3, 10, 17
March 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14 (5 classes)
Price: $120
Explosive Strength and Speed
Far Post Players Only | Held on Wednesdays
For Players Born in 2014--2007 (players separated into age groups)
Explosive Training is a training method that combines strength and speed to increase your power output. Explosive Power drills are often used by athletes who need to generate a quick burst of maximal effort.
This mission is to provide players with a well designed training program tailored to the demands of the game as well as a safe and productive physical training environment.
Our Goal is to improve our players' Speed, Strength, Power alongside leadership, mental toughness and discipline.
Players will leave this program with a better understanding that the only limitations are the limits they place upon themselves.
This program will be led by Coaches Lee Williamson
Wednesdays: 4:00-5:00PM
Price for Session 1 and 2: $95 each
Price for Session 3: $80
10% discount for signing up for all 3 programs BEFORE the beginning of the indoor season.
Session 1 happens in November and December.
Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00PM
November 13, 20, 27 December 4, 11, 18
Session 2 happens in January and February.
Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00PM
January 8, 22, 29 February 5, 12, 19
Session 3 happens in March and April.
Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00PM
March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 (5 classes)
Finishing Acad.
Far Post Players Only | Held on Wednesdays
For Players Born in 2008-2013
Far Post Finishing Academy is a coed program offered throughout the winter months. The themes for each session will build off each other to provide a more in-depth training focus to truly make players better shooters while helping them build experience and confidence in becoming better goal-scorers. Many people believe that “goal-scorers are born” and this program is committed to proving this theory wrong. The training curriculum for each session will change from one session to the next to offer players the variety they need to become true goal scorers. Building skill and confidence with scoring goal takes more than just one 6-week training program. This is the perfect opportunity to fine-tune your skills in a supportive yet demanding environment.
For Far Post Players ONLY
Wednesdays: 6:30-8:00PM
Price For Session 1 and 2: $115 for Far Post Players
Price for Session 3: $100
Wednesdays: November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 11, 18
Wednesdays: January 8, 22, 29, February 5, 12, 19
Wednesdays: March 12, 19, 26, April 2, April 9 (5 classes)
Dutch Touch Winter Academy
OpenTo All Players | Held on Wednesdays
For Players Born in 2011-2014
Next level training on ball possession excellence; these sessions focus on first touch, special awareness, game insight, quality movement and advanced passing skills. Players are welcome to do one or two sessions, but encouraged to do all three of the sessions as they will build upon each other.
This program is for the player that truly wants to take their game to the next level.
*This program was formerly called the Coed Junior Academy.*
For Boys and Girls born in 2011-2014 (U11-U14) Some 2015s with prior permission.
Wednesdays, 5:00pm - 6:30pm
* $115 for Far Post Players
* $140 for Players who are NOT on a FPSC Travel Team
Session 1 happens in November and December.
Wednesdays from 5:00PM-6:30PM
November 13, 20, 27 December 4, 11, 18
Session 2 happens in January and February.
Wednesdays from 5:00 -6:30PM
January 8, 22, 29 February 5, 12, 19
Session 3 happens in March and April.
Wednesdays from 5:00PM - 6:30PM
March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 (5 classes)
$100 For FP Players
$120 for Players who are NOT on a Far Post Travel Team
Oranje Scholar Academy
Invite Only for Far Post Players
Thanksgiving Camp
Open To All Players | Thanksgiving Break Week
The Oranje Scholar Academy is an invite only training program at Far Post. The name of the program is derived from the club’s connections to the Dutch and English games.
“Oranje” is the Dutch spelling of the word orange and represents the club's long-standing connection to Holland through our yearly international trips and possession-based style of play.
The word “Scholar” is a term used to describe young academy players in the United Kingdom who have reached their first target on the pathway to becoming a professional. At the age of 14 if you are offered a 2 year contract due to your ability, discipline and desire to develop you are deemed an academy scholar.
We, as a club, are continuing to try and offer more specific training to players that show the quality, attitude and desire to take the next step in the game.
A few key aspects Far Post considers when choosing players to invite:
-Technical quality
-Commitment / attendance throughout the year leading up to each session. Please keep in mind that Saturday Skills are an excellent way to be seen by multiple coaches.
-Attitude / body language within sessions and how you carry yourself within the facility.
-Continued progression - updates on status and recommendations from current coaches.
Over the course of the program each year we keep a close eye on players and their progress, especially players we feel are almost ready for the demands of the Oranje Scholar Academy.
Our intention is to be responsive to players who are working hard and showing the skills and commitment to be a part of the training program.
Invitations are sent to approximately 32 select players but we will only take about 26 players per age: first come- first served.
This is an additional training opportunity and therefore carries an extra expense. Scholarship funds are available for players in need of support to join.
Far Post’s Holiday Indoor Soccer Camp is held over school's Holiday Break at the Champlain Valley Expo. This camp is open to kids ages 6-14 and all abilities.
*Half and Full Day Options Available!*
November 25-27, 2024 at the Champlain Valley Expo.
Full days are 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Half days are 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Three Full Days: $210
Two Full Days: $150
One Full Day: $80
Three Half Days: $120
Two Half Days: $80
One Half Day: $40
Far Post’s Kick the March Madness Camp is held on March 31 when many area schools are closed for the day.
This camp is open to kids ages 6 – 15 of all abilities.
*Half Day or Full Day Options Available!*
Monday, March 31, 2025
Full days are 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Half days are 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Full Day: $80
Half Day: $40
Holiday Camp
OpenTo Players | Holiday Break Week
For Players Born in 2011-2019
Far Post’s Holiday Camp is held over school break in December. This camp is open to kids ages 6 – 15 of all abilities.
*Half Day or Full Day Options Available!*
Camp days include:
Monday, December 23
Thursday, December 26
Friday December 27
Monday, December 30
Full days are 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Half days are 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Four Full Days: $260
Three Full Days: $210
Two Full Days: $150
One Full Day: $80
Four Half Days: $150
Three Half Days: $120
Two Half Days: $80
One Half Day: $40
March Madness One Day Indoor Camp
Open to All Players | For Players Born in 2011-2019
Monday, March 31 - when many public schools are closed.
Kick The Winter Blues Camp
Open to All Players | For Players Born in 2011-2019
Far Post’s Kick the Winter Blues Camp is held over the week of the February school break. This camp is open to kids ages 6 – 15 of all abilities.
*Half Day or Full Day Options Available!*
February 24-February 28, 2025
Full days are 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Half days are 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Five Full Days: $340
Four Full Days: $280
Three Full Days: $220
Two Full Days: $150
One Full Day: $80
Five Half Days: $180
Four Half Days: $150
Three Half Days: $120
Two Half Days: $80
One Half Day: $40