
Far Post Soccer Club is dedicated to including players who show a commitment to the game of soccer as demonstrated by their attendance in the program, hard work and willingness to develop their soccer skills. Where travel team players need financial support, Far Post is able to offer money from the Bill Kohlasch Scholarship Fund. This fund receives money from various sources including but not limited to charitable donations, special events hosted by Far Post and budgetary allocations as decided by the Far Post Board of Directors and Director. 

The scholarship fund is managed by the Director with support from the Far Post Board Finance Committee. Decisions are disbursed based on financial need. The board may develop additional policies from time to time to address allocation of available funds. 

Far Post and its players are grateful for EVERY DONATION!

You can make any size donation, or you could SPONSOR A PLAYER!

In the 2023/24 season we granted more than $46,000 in scholarships and we need your help to keep kids playing.



Purchase a 2025 Calcutta Ticket

When: Saturday, March 29, 6:00-10:00pm

Where: Upstairs at the Champlain Valley Expo in Essex Junction

What is it: The Calcutta is dinner for 2 from Garden of Eatin' Cafe, loads of fun, and a giant game of elimination where you can win up to $4000 in cash along with tons of consolation prizes. There is also a CASH bar. You do NOT need to be present to win the grand prize!

What else: Silent Auction baskets (these are looking SO FUN, by the way!) offer great deals on tons of fun



Because soccer should be for everyone.

Our Calcutta isn’t just a fundraiser—it’s the heart of our Bill Kohlasch Scholarship Fund, ensuring that financial barriers never keep a child off the field.

We know that costs keep rising, they are rising for us too—field rentals, hotels, coaching, insurance, leases —but our commitment remains the same: making soccer accessible to all who love the game.

Nearly every team in our club has players who benefit from scholarships, which means we all benefit from it.

That’s why we need everyone to be part of this effort. Every ticket sold, every basket donated, and every person who joins us for a night of fun and community helps keep this mission alive. Together, we make soccer possible.

Let’s show up, give back, and make a difference—because this game belongs to all of us.

Please contact your Team Manager or Shelley Forrest to get a ticket number and have your chance at winning up to $4000 in cash.

Please also remember:

  • You can Team up with other families to buy a ticket.

  • Ask friends, family, or coworkers to support the cause.

You do NOT need to be present to win the grand prize of up to $4000! Make sure to tell your TM or I who will be your proxy, if you can't attend.