Goal Keeper Training
Program Outline
The goalkeeper plays a highly specialized position and requires a unique skill-set different from the outfield players. There are four (4) areas of concentration for goalkeepers to master in order to excel in the position: they must be proficient technically, tactically, physically, and psychologically. In order to work on these areas, a specific goalkeeper training environment needs to be established.
In addition to specific goalkeeper training, the goalkeeper must be integrated in the daily team training (match-related scenarios) which will assist in the development of the goalkeeper’s skill-set. Tendencies, habits, cohesiveness, etc are also established with the outfield players through daily team training.
Our training is designed to split goalkeepers into 3 groups based on their current proficiency in our 4 concentrations.
Far Post Keepers should expect 2 additional opportunities per week in the winter and 1 additional opportunity in the spring.
U12 & Below
Introductory Phase. Very heavy technical training, with basic tactics introduced to help keepers in game situations.
Intermediate Phase. Balance of technical and tactical training.
U16 & Above
Should be technically proficient, so most of the focus is on tactical mastery in this phase.
Goal Keeper Skill Tree
Technical Skills
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The Goalkeeper must master the technical skills required for the position through quality training, repetition, and effective coaching. Like outfield players, the goalkeeper needs these variables in a controlled environment (goalkeeper training) to master his technical skills. Technical areas of concentration are:
- Footwork
- Set Position
- Catching
- Diving
- Crosses
- Distribution
Tactical Skills
Learn About The Skill ▸
Two main areas that encompass “tactics” in regards to goalkeeping are:
Decision-Making: Decisions need to be made in a split second without hesitation. Making a wrong decision more often than not results in goals being scored as the goalkeeper is the last line of defense.
Command of the Penalty Area: The goalkeeper is the “leader” and “eyes” of the team as they have a view of the entire field (your team, opposing team, and ball). The goalkeeper can evaluate and “control” situations with proper communication that will eliminate many potentially dangerous situations.
Psychological Skills
Learn More About This Skill ▸
The goalkeeper is a very isolated and lonely spot on the field. The majority of the game is spent observing alone what is going on and not being involved very much with the run of play. The time the goalkeeper is involved usually is the difference between a goal being scored or not. If mistakes are made by the goalkeeper, they are magnified as his/her errors usually result in goals. The goalkeeper needs to be focused at all times to deal with these stressful situations with composure and confidence.
Top goalkeepers are:
- Motivated: Competitive & want to play the position.
- Competitive: Striving each day to improve & win every activity for yourself/your team.
- Confident: Self-belief & faith in your ability to excel.
- Leaders: Must observe, guide, and support the team.
- Great Communicators
- Mentally Tough: Do you have grit? Must be able to forget mistakes, recover quickly, and move on within the game.
- Courageous & Brave: Disregard for bodily harm in order to make the save.
Physical Skills
Learn More About This Skill ▸
The goalkeeper is clearly a different type of athlete compared to the outfield players. A goalkeeper runs far less and covers a much shorter area of the field compared to the outfield players. The goalkeeper must possess quick reflexes, be very agile, and rely on explosive movements to do his job effectively. In addition to these attributes, they must train his/her body to endure the “beating” from shot stopping, diving, collisions, and crosses. The goalkeeper must possess the following:
- Athleticism
- Explosiveness
- Strength
- Power
- Speed
- Quickness
- Endurance
- Mobility
- Coordination
- Flexibility
- Stretching