U10 Programs
U10 Program Details
We typically have 4-6 teams (2-4 boys, 2 girls) that are split primarily based on age.
- U9 Boys - PSV
- U9 Boys - Utrecht
- U9 Girls - Spirit
- U10 Boys - Ajax
- U10 Boys - Feyenoord
- U10 Girls - Courage
We have an optional fall season since most players this age do not have any offerings through their schools at this time of year. As it is optional there are additional costs.
Players are able to sign up for extra options for training and as well as our fall program that includes Tues/Thurs taining and games on Sundays. - See Fall Programs under the Camps and Programs Tab
*FALL TRAINING on Tuesday & Thursday at Veteran's Memorial Park in South Burlington
*FALL GAMES on Sundays at the Veteran’s Memorial Park along with the Capital Jamboree in Stowe.
This is our indoor season at our home base, the Robert E. Miller Centre North at the Champlain Valley Expo in Essex Junction.
We have 2 training sessions a week: Tuesday, which is primarily focused on building technical ability, and Thursday, which is primarily game-day. Players also have the opportunity to play games in our 5v5 Futsal league on Friday nights and sign up for the U10 Excellence Program. This allows the most dedicated players the opportunity to play 3-4 times a week, while also allowing flexibility for those that play other sports.
Boys: Tuesday 1.5 hours for Technical Training (6:00-7:30PM), Thursday 1 hour of Game-Based Tactical Training (5:00-6:00PM). Optional Futsal Games Friday evenings.
Girls: Tuesday 1.5 hours for Technical Training (6:00-7:30PM), Thursday 1 hour of Game-Based Tactical Training (5:00-6:00PM). Optional Futsal Games Friday evenings.
**FUTSAL** (Friday nights) – Futsal (played with a goalie and 4 field players) has an Indoor League broken into 3 sessions – We HIGHLY recommend players play Futsal. The 1st session (Nov/Dec) and the 2nd session (Jan/Feb) are optional. The 3rd session (Mar/Apr) is mandatory but is included in your fees. Games are on Friday early evenings. All games are coached by Coach Todd and/or by one of our coaches.
**OPTIONAL MONDAY NIGHT TRAINING - U10 Excellence** (added cost) Far Post offers additional training sessions on other nights if players are interested. These sessions are skill-based sessions that many Far Post players do, but players from outside the club participate as well. The training curriculum is different from the sessions offered in their usual training sessions. These sessions are optional and there is an added cost to these practices.
**Winter Weekends** – Here are other optional events over the indoor season:
- Spooktacular 3v3 Street Soccer Tourney
- Thanksgiving Camp – Monday - Wednesday, from 8am to 4pm at Far Post Indoor Facility
- December 3v3 Street Soccer Tournament
- Kids Night Out – December
- Galactic Soccer (Holland Fundraiser)
- February 3v3 Street Soccer Tournament
- Kids Night Out at the Calcutta
- **PLEASE NOTE** – Our Training Weekend is for U11s & older – not U10s.
This is our outdoor season.
**Outdoor training at Veteran’s Memorial Park**
Boys: Tuesday & Thursday at Veteran's Park- 5:00-6:30PM
Girls: Tuesday & Thursday at Veteran's Park - 5:00-6:30PM
**VSL Spring Season** – Each U10 team will play a 6-7 game season depending on what VSA chooses. Games are on a rotating basis between Saturday and Sunday. Schedules are typically published by April 1st.
**Tournaments** – We will do three o tournaments during the year – PLEASE make sure to put these dates on your family calendar NOW:
- Wellesley Tournament (Memorial Day Weekend in Wellesley, MA)
- Coastal Challenge (Father’s Day Weekend in Brunswick, ME)
- Alliance Cup (Weekend after Father’s Day in June in South Burlington, VT)
$1,425 for 2024/2025 Season
A deposit of $325 is due upon commitment. Monthly installments of $137.50 will be charged on the first of the month from October to May.
Included in Tuition:
- All Team Trainings November - June
- 3rd Session of Futsal (mandatory)
- Spring Training Day
- Spring League
- 2 Travel tournaments & Alliance Cup Tournament in South Burlington
Supplementary/Optional Expenses:
-Uniform/training gear
-Sept/Oct Training & Games -Optional
-Academy/Education Programs & Camps -Optional
-Sessions 1 & 2 of Futsal -Optional, but highly recommended
Program Outline
Our U10 Program is the “foundation” of our club. Many players in our U10 program have come up through our U8 program and are already aware of how we do things. But, every year we have new players joining the club, so this outline is meant to highlight areas that we feel are important. Our focus is on developing a “Love for the Game” and “Mastery of the Ball.” It also is imperative that kids “Learn Good Habits” at this age and are held accountable. We want the environment for these young players to be focused on self-discovery and personal responsibility based on the PSV Eindhoven (Holland) approach to player development:
There is motivation when a player commits to Far Post. A player must develop a clear reason of why they are playing. Once this is defined then we are better able to develop that talent.
Far Post creates an environment where players feel safe and where they want to be. We want our players to feel comfortable experimenting and taking chances with no fear of what might happen if they make a mistake. We want players to experience the game for themselves so that they can define what their own true talent is and can learn for themselves what to do on the field.
If the previous things are assured, the player will develop their own self-confidence.
Once a player has self-confidence, they are better suited to learn. They will see their own development and will take greater personal responsibility for it. Because of this, skill-building is the basis of everything – If a player can see a pass, but doesn’t have the
skill to pass the ball to the correct spot, then recognizing these moments is worthless. Without technique there are no tactics – Most coaches are too tactical and result oriented and put up with the current skill level and concentrate on tactics and on results. The player’s development must dominate – Coaches and results must be subordinate to the importance of individual development. Approaching development of young players this age any differently is short-sighted. Far Post believes that it is critically important to put the best coaches possible with our youngest age groups along with more assistance to manage these teams. Todd Kingsbury is the head coach of our U10 teams. He is responsible for running all training sessions and oversees the games for all teams. Each team will have “game coaches” to assist with training and help with managing matches. The team coach will focus on managing the game for players. Coach Todd will focus on the individual in all games to provide them with the feedback and encouragement they all need to learn and improve.
Our U10 Program is for players born in 2014 and 2015 in the 2023/24 Season. Overseeing this program is our Club Director, Todd Kingsbury, who runs training sessions with the help of various staff coaches. While we have multiple teams on both the boys and girls' sides, they are all on the same schedule and curriculum. Our progressive curriculum ensures that all players are developing the same technical skills and tactical understanding of our system, and that all players are receiving the same instruction. This model prepares our players to move on to our U12 Program and establishes a set of expectations that unite our players across the club.
A heavy emphasis is placed on improving our players' technical proficiency and decision-making under pressure.
U10 Skill Tree
Technical Priorities
Learn About The Skill ▸
Skill set and technical focus priorities – "We must always be the most skillful team on the field in every game we play"
- Ball mastery – Coerver method
- 1v1 dribbling skill
- Improving non-dominant foot in all areas
- Passing technique – proficiency with inside of the foot – emphasis on accuracy & pace
- Receive technique – 1st touch priority
- Becoming more proficient with striking the ball with instep
Tactical Priorities
Learn About The Skill ▸
Tactical emphasis and systems of play – "We must always make better soccer decisions than our opponents"
- Dominate 1v1s
- Begin to understand small group tactical situations – 1v1, 2v1, 1v2, & 2v2
- Begin to understand concepts of defending – specifically 1st & 2nd defender (pressure/cover)
- Possession is our top priority – we want more possession than our opposition!
- Introduction to team-based tactics and positional responsibilities
Social Priorities
Learn More About This Skill ▸
Priorities of how players behave and treat each other by age group
- Learn to listen and follow instructions
- Treat others with respect & being a good teammate
- Honoring the game│sportsmanship
- Open to playing all positions
Psychological Priorities
Learn More About This Skill ▸
Emphasis on how individuals treat themselves and relate to themselves
- Learning what your true talent is
- Dealing with making mistakes overcoming fear & taking risks – Learning to be creative
- Learning how to build confidence & being kind to yourself
- Being responsible for yourself
Physical Priorities
Learn More About This Skill ▸
Priorities on physical aspects of the game
- Speed development and running technique
- Coordination and foot work in relation to the ball
- Balance and understanding on how to use body to maintain balance
- Agility and understanding how to change pace and direction
The Yellow Jersey
Nothing But The Best │ Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
Learn More ▸
At Far Post, we have a practice that is making its way through each of our teams where we award a ‘Yellow Jersey’ after training to the player that goes ‘above and beyond.’ The Yellow Jersey symbolizes what it does for the Tour de France for all of you bike enthusiast – The one that is the best. The question is – ‘what does it really mean?’ It doesn’t just go to that player who is widely regarded as the best or most popular. It goes to the player that works the hardest, does all that they can do to be better, that pushes their game beyond their comfort zone that tackles their challenges and is not satisfied with anything but their very best.
On the shirts, we have a saying printed on the back that read – Nil Satis Nisi Optimum. For all you Everton fans out there, you know this saying since this is a motto they use – It has been on their shield and is prominently displayed throughout their training facility at Finch Farm where their youth academy and first team train. The motto is in Latin that translates into English as ‘Nothing But The Best.’ If you do a Google search of its meaning, you will find that most links mock the saying, but the essence of the motto is exactly what we are trying to strive for. Like at Everton, we understand that all that we do and have is not the very best – Not all clubs have the endless resources and deep money pockets of the major soccer clubs in the US and world – BUT our effort, attitude and they way we respond to our challenges must always push us towards that ultimate goal of providing the very best for our players, families and teams.
In this world where trophies are given to everyone for participating, clubs like Far Post are charged with teaching kids the realities of life – Life is not fair and neither is soccer. Because of this, we must push players to be better. Sometimes they will do it and sometimes they won’t. We are trying to get them to first see what it looks like to play a certain way, recognize those players that are performing the best and rewarding them for their efforts. We must be clear that it is not a popularity contest AND it is not who they perceive as being ‘the best player.’ We actually ask players who they believe should earn this recognition, and they do a pretty good job at it. But whenever these decisions are made, there must be a legitimate reason. We know that kids love this and it is very motivating for them. Yes, there are times when kids will be disappointed they didn’t get the jersey. Yes, people will disagree with who was selected. But, it is not about ‘wanting the Yellow Jersey’ – It is about striving for the very best. It is like the game – everyone wants to win, but there can only be one winning team. We know that for every training session, there are a number of players who could be awarded the Yellow Jersey, but the coaches have the tough job of identifying the ONE player that is most deserving. The award goes to the player that demonstrates the following qualities:
- Works hard all practice long – we are looking for the hardest working players
- Listens well & follows directions – we are looking for players that are really paying attention
- Applies lessons learned in training – we are looking for players that are getting better and learning from their mistakes
- Good teammate? – we are looking for players that play for the team and support teammates
- Working on their game on their own – we are looking for players that are self-motivated and willing to practice on their own
- Competes – we want competitive players always training and playing to win
- Plays with confidence – we are looking for players that believe in themselves
- Takes chances and risks and responds well to mistakes – soccer is a game of a 1,000 mistakes – we are looking for players that are willing to take risks and try new things
We just wanted to make sure that all families knew of this practice that we have initiated. It was first started by Coach Kevin Barber, which quickly spread to the U10s as well as other teams.
Far Post’s Bill Kohlasch Scholarship Fund receives money from various sources including but not limited to charitable donations, special events hosted by Far Post and budgetary allocations as decided by the Far Post Board of Directors and Director.
The scholarship fund is managed by the Director with support from the Far Post Board Finance Committee. Decisions are disbursed based on financial need. The board may develop additional policies from time to time to address allocation of available funds.
Applicants must show a commitment to the game of soccer as demonstrated by their attendance in the program, hard work and willingness to develop their soccer skills.
ALL PLAYERS receiving assistance through this scholarship fund are required to write a thank you letter and provide some voluntary service to the club or to their own soccer community. Scholarships are for TRAVEL TEAM PLAYERS ONLY and may not be used for any other services provided by the club.
The Scholarship Application is embedded into the Travel Team Registration Process. If you have already filled out your registration, you can access the scholarship application by following these steps: How to Request Financial Aid – PlayMetrics Support Center
Reach out to admin@farpostsoccerclub.com with questions.